
The Journal of American Indian Education (JAIE) is published three times per year:

  • Winter
  • Spring
  • Fall

The JAIE International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) is US00218731.

Print subscriptions: Regular rates, U.S.A.: individuals, one year (3 issues), $38; institutions, one year, $87. Other countries: add $5 for each year of subscription. To subscribe, go to the University of Minnesota Press website.

Digital subscriptions: Available online through Project Muse.

Back issues published after January 2016 are available from the University of Minnesota Press for $17.50 each (plus shipping).

Back issues published before January 2016 are available from the Center for Indian Education, Arizona State University. Please contact us at for availability. Single issues are $8.00 per copy + $3.00 postage and handling fee for each copy ($4.00 for Canadian and foreign requests).

PDF files of selected articles––Volumes 42 (2003) through issues 1 and 2 of Volume 49 (2010)––are also available on the Full Text page for free download.

Journal of American Indian Education
Center for Indian Education
American Indian Studies
Arizona State University
P.O. Box 871311
Tempe, AZ 85287-1311