About the Journal of American Indian Education
The Journal of American Indian Education (JAIE) is a refereed journal publishing original scholarship directly related to the education of American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and Indigenous peoples worldwide, including Inuit, Métis, and First Nations of Canada, Māori, Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander peoples, Indigenous peoples of Latin America, Scandinavia, Africa, and others. JAIE strives to improve Indigenous education through empirical research, knowledge generation, and transmission to researchers, communities, classrooms, and diverse educational settings.
If you would like to offer your service as a JAIE peer reviewer, please complete the Reviewer Application online and join the JAIE pool of peer reviewers.
Feature-length Manuscripts: Original scholarly manuscripts should be double-spaced, 7,500-8000 words total, including endnotes, if any, and references. JAIE encourages dialogue among researchers and practitioners through research-based articles elucidating current educational issues and innovations. JAIE also invites original scholarly essays advancing a point of view about an educational question or issue, when supported by cited research literature; original reviews of literature in underexplored areas; and original expository manuscripts that develop or interpret a theory or issue.
Reports from the Field (RFTF): Original scholarly manuscripts providing descriptive, evaluative, and/or policy-oriented analyses of innovative education models and practices may be considered as Reports from the Field. Reports should be up to 5,000 words, including endnotes, if any, and references. For more on Reports from the Field, see our Submit a Manuscript page.
Indigenous Policy Forum (IPF): Submissions to the IPF are by invitation only. Please make nominations for authors of proposed IPFs to the Editors at jaie@asu.edu. The IPF functions as a current conversational space and as an important historical archive, featuring the voices and vision of Indigenous education policymakers, policy implementers, and activists.
Studies grounded in Indigenous research methodologies are especially encouraged.
The JAIE has been published continuously since it was founded in 1961. The editorial office is housed within the Center for Indian Education of the American Indian Studies department at Arizona State University. The journal is published by the University of Minnesota Press three times a year: fall, winter, and spring.
The JAIE editors are advised by an editorial board. For more on the JAIE 2021 Editorial Board, see our Editors and Editorial Board page. Manuscripts considered for publication are peer reviewed by educators and experts in various academic disciplines, including members of the JAIE Editorial Board.
Contact us
Journal of American Indian Education
Center for Indian Education
American Indian Studies
Arizona State University
P.O. Box 871311
Tempe, AZ 85287-1311